2024 Board of Trustees President, Eric Flick

June 30, 2024

The Hoogland Center for the Arts is delighted to spotlight our 2024 Board of Trustees President, Eric Flick:

Eric Flick is proud to be the Board President of the Hoogland Center for the Arts for 2024. He has spent the past 24 years in commercial finance and is currently a Vice President of Commercial Lending with Farm Credit Illinois.

Eric occasionally can be found backstage or onstage at the Hoogland, but prefers to be an audience member, especially when his kids Jack (13) and/or Sofia (18) are performing.

Eric says that his wife Holly is the best support system anyone could hope for. He and his family hope to see you soon at the Hoogland!

His 24 years in the finance industry has made him a cool-headed, critical thinker. This quality has made him an excellent leader of the Hoogland Center Board! We thank Eric for his dedication to the organization.

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