

For the past 10 years, the Hoogland Performing Arts Education program has provided area students with outstanding education in the performing arts. We are excited to move into our second decade as one of the best sources for theatre education for young performers in central Illinois. We have an exciting season planned with great shows and an amazing team of teachers leading the way!


Students are given the opportunity to be involved in Hoogland Education in two facets; our year-long program and our quarterly classes. 

Year-Long Program

The Year-Long Program, Hoogland Dreamers, Believers, Creators, and Achievers teaches students the fundamentals of theatrical performing with the ultimate goal of appearing in one of our mainstage Hoogland Education productions. Students enrolled in the year-long program will be involved in several performances throughout the school year. All students in the year-long program will be required to participate in at least one quarterly class per school year. 

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Quarterly Classes

Quarterly classes focus on building the student’s confidence and knowledge base so they are able perform at their highest level. Students do not need to be registered for the year-long program to be involved in the quarterly classes.

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