Hoogland Education Enrollment

Our 2024-2025 season is underway!

Please join our waitlist to receive all upcoming registration information for 2025-2026.


Year-long program groups






Grades 1-3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
Mondays 5:30-6:30 Mondays 5:30-7:00 Saturdays 12:30-2:30 Saturdays 12:30-2:30
Extra rehearsals on Wednesdays closer to the show Extra rehearsals on Wednesdays closer to the show Extra rehearsals on Tuesday & Thursday closer to the show Extra rehearsals on Tuesday & Thursday  closer to the show
Cap: 50 Cap: 50 Cap: 50 Cap: 50
Join waitlist Join waitlist Join waitlist Join waitlist


Quarterly Classes

One Quarterly Class is required for all age groups, and you will be charged for it upon registration. Those not currently enrolled in the year-long program can still take our quarterly classes! Visit our listing HERE



Ages 1-3 - Seedlings

Ages 3-5 - Sprouts

Kindergarten - Bloosoms


Attendance Policy

Students are allowed up to 3 absences per semester. It is required to be present for all rehearsals 4 weeks before the show and all of tech week. Please check the tech and show dates to make sure you will be available.

Semester 1 absences Semester 2 absences 
1 - no consequences 1 - no consequences
2 - no consequences 2 - no consequences
3 - no consequences  3 - no consequences
4 - warning 4 - warning
5 - can not audition for a lead role / role reassignment  5 - role reassignment
6 - meeting with the Hoogland staff 6 - meeting with the Hoogland staff
7- removal from program 7 - removal from program

Any illnesses or emergencies past 3 absences will require a doctor's note or program director approval.


Hoogland Education Scholarship Program

Students seeking financial assistance may apply for a scholarship to the Hoogland Education Program. 

Hoogland Education Scholarship


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. We are incredibly excited about these new changes in our program for next year, and we can't wait to bring you another year of theater education!
